Helping Kiwis fund the things they care about.

πŸ“š CrowdfundingU

Crowdfunding University

First time running an equity crowdfunding campaign? Want to make it a success? Well pack your lunch cos it’s back to the books.



We've helped over 70 organisations run successful equity crowdfunding campaigns in New Zealand and Australia.

While every company is different, there are a lot of common areas where they need guidance and support. With our experience, and feedback from our crowd of campaigners, we've pulled together the CrowdfundingU programme to help companies equity crowdfund.

Whether you’re a company wanting to raise a million dollars and make a media splash or just want to do a private friends & family round, CrowdfundingU can help ready your business to more effectively communicate what you’re up to.

The Programme

If this is your first time crowdfunding, you are required to complete CrowdfundingU before running your campaign.

You can read about the full programme plan here

πŸ’°CrowdfundingU Course Fees

$4000 +GST

This is a six-session programme for you and your team to prepare a comprehensive capital raising plan.

Please note: There may be additional external costs to launching and running your campaign after CrowdfundingU which may include: legal, accounting, design and events.

Are you eligible for funding assistance for CrowdFundingU fees?

Our CrowdFundingU service is registered with the Management Capability Development Fund, meaning companies can apply to have up to half of the course paid for through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP). For more information on this, please visit

How can you apply for funding?

Management Capability Development funding is only available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisers. If you already have a Growth Adviser contact at your local Economic Development Agency, give them a call or email to chat about your options and eligibility for funding. 

If you don’t have a customer manager yet, the first step is to register as a business.  Your local Regional Business Partner will be in touch to set up a meeting. Once the Regional Business Partner has decided to support your company with funding assistance, send us an email. We will create an event for you in the system, send you the details, and get you to book the service. Once booked, we’ll generate an invoice for you to pay, and set the first date for CrowdfundingU.

What is Management Capability Development funding?

Management Capability Development funding is available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisers towards capability development and training programmes with various service providers, including PledgeMe. 

Small businesses may qualify for funding to help pay for services such as training workshops, courses and coaching that build the management capabilities of their owners and key managers.

Funding may be provided to a business where the Growth Advisers have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business.

Is my business eligible for Management Capability Development funding?

The business meets the following eligibility criteria:

  • be operating with 50 or fewer FTEs

  • be GST registered in New Zealand

  • have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)

  • be operating in a commercial environment – i.e. currently trading

  • be privately owned or a Māori Trust or Incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Māori assets under multiple ownership

  • have undergone Discovery Session with a Growth Advisor

The business should also:

  • have the potential and desire to grow

  • demonstrate commitment to improving management capability: indicators of commitment include seeking advice, working through the assessment process, and a willingness to co-fund and commit time to capability-building activities

  • have an identified gap in its capability that can be addressed through management capability building and training.

What is the Regional Business Partner Network?

The Regional Business Partner Network is a gateway that connects businesses to the right advice, people, and resources. They can help you strengthen and grow your business in many different ways.

Funded by the New Zealand government, the RBP Network consists of 14 regional growth agencies throughout the country. This means you’ll get support from people who live and work in your region.

Are you ready to join the class of 2024?

Request an equity crowdfunding campaign first. This is non-binding and just so we have some initial information about your organisation. Once you’ve requested your campaign, we’ll get back to you to chat more about CrowdfundingU and possible next steps.

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