Helping Kiwis fund the things they care about.

Tā Koha | Funding Māori Entrepreneurs

Tā Koha
Helping whānau fund the things they care about.

He aha tenēi?
What is Tā Koha?

Tā Koha is a new way for Māori entrepreneurs to raise capital by involving their whānau, their communities and those who want to see an equitable and inclusive funding landscape in Aotearoa.

Ngā Wariū
Our Values



The Tā Koha team will guide and support you during your funding journey, through a learning programme that also invites your whānau to share in the learning alongside you.



Put together a wishlist of in-kind support that you would like your whānau to contribute - anything from time, skills to energy and equipment. We are in the middle of building the tech for this.


Digital Marae

We are re-imagining the marae as an online community space where you can share your plans to grow your business with the support of your crowd. Your success becomes the community's success. 

Successful Tā Koha Campaigns


Tolaga Bay Inn

Tolaga Bay Inn is one of our last remaining historical hotels on the East Coast of New Zealand. As Kaitiaki (guardians) it is our responsibility to look after our land, people and environment, including our iconic old Inn. She has looked after us for over 130 years. It is time we gave back, to help regain her strength and beauty to last another hundred years.

She in return, will become our mother ship to help foster tourism and digital technology development, creating jobs and business opportunities for our local people. With an onsite information centre, business support services and computer training facilities, she can help regenerate our community from within.

Funding target: $50,000
Deadline: Sunday, 30th September


Keeping Up With The Kaumatua

E kore e mutu ngā kupu mihi ki a koutou e te tī, e te tā. Kāhore e ārikarika tēnā hāpi, e tēnā manaakitanga i a mātou i ngā tau, kua taha ake nei. Ka noho, ka roa, ka tutuki i a Rauawaawa te wawata kia kite ā-kanohi tonu, he whare hou mā ngā kaumātua. Nā reira e ōku rangatira kei te mihi, kei te mihi, kei te mihi.

The project vision is to provide a safer environment for our kaumatua through an upgrade which costs $3.3m. To-date, we’ve raised $1m. Our $100,000 target through PledgeMe will allow us to get Stage 1 underway. It means our kaumatua will be able to witness these initial changes and experience facilities that are far more age-friendly.

Funding target: $100,000
Deadline: Sunday, 30th September


Ngahere Communities

Ngahere Communities at Te Haa o Manukau is Manukau's very first co-working, events and maker space, designed for entrepreneurs, creators, innovators and makers, led with tikanga Maori (values) and polynesian flair.

Located in the heart of the Manukau CBD, the doors to this courageous new space open (fingers crossed) in early September, and it's our job at Ngahere Communities to cultivate a thriving, connected community that fills this new whare, and breathes life into our city and our people.

Funding target: $40,000
Deadline: Friday, 28th September

Mahia te mahi
How to get involved

Entrepreneurs: interested in raising Pūtea through your crowd?

Are you running a business and thinking about crowdfunding as a way to raise pūtea to help you grow? Get in touch with us at (or by clicking the button below) to see if the Tā Koha programme is right for you. 

Supporters: interested in pledging to a campaign?

Learn what Māori entrepreneurs are doing across Aotearoa. Find a campaign whose kaupapa you want to support. Become a part of the story: chose to pledge money or koha. Koha mai to a current campaign by clicking the link below.